
Spring in Ontario


Spring in Canada comes very late comparing with Japan, may be a month later in average.

Perhaps Magnolia bloom first among flowering trees in spring.   It gorgeous but takes many years to be a big tree.

The image of pinkish tree is called 'Flowering Almond'.

magnolia4.jpg (19828 bytes)  f-almond.jpg(18637 bytes)

White Magnolia is 'Bush Magnolia', and it won't become a tree.    The scent is less than tree magnolia.

I want to show you this bright yellow bush called 'Forsythia' which bloom about the same time magnolia bloom.

Sometimes people use this bush as hedge.

forsythia   bushmagnolia

We went to see cherry blossom in High Park, Toronto, April 29, 1999.  We learned that citizens of Metro Tokyo sent 2000 cherry trees to citizens of Toronto about 40 years ago.

I am afraid that some tree have died, yet they give us 'beauty and elegance' in sight.

cherryblossam.jpg (20748 bytes)   cherryblossam2.jpg(22220 bytes)



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